Prevention of prostatitis in men: drugs, exercises, medical advice

pain in the groin with prostatitis

Any violation in the body is easier to prevent than to treat. Preventing prostatitis will help a man extend a full life. For this reason, several effective methods have been developed to prevent the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Think about how to prevent prostatitis in men.

Consult a doctor for prostatitis


Specialists can not immediately state with absolute certainty that the patient has prostatitis, since this type of disease has many symptoms. Despite the large number of manifestations, doctors have identified the main ones, in which case it is advisable for a man to contact a urologist immediately.

The main signs of the disease:

  • Pain when urinating.
  • Burning when you go to the toilet "slowly".
  • Sex problems.
  • The appearance in the urine of filamentous white inclusions.
  • Urinary secretion.

The main symptom of an exacerbation of the disease is pain when urinating. The inflammatory prostate becomes larger in size, due to which the urinary tract is blocked.

Primary prevention at home: medical advice

The goal of primary prevention of prostatitis in men is to prevent the disease and prevent its further development. Experts advise you to start primary prevention at the age of twenty-five.

The main ways to treat the disease:

  • Eat at least three times a day.
  • Eat fresh fruit more often.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do any sport.
  • Men who do sedentary work need extra physical activity. Doctors are advised to engage in sports to receive the required loads. Suitable for swimming, tennis, jogging in the morning or evening, visiting the gym.

To prevent prostatitis at home, it is recommended to do regular exercises that activate blood flow throughout the human body.

The most effective method is regular sex. If it is absent, experts advise masturbation.

For a man, the right intimate life means:

  • Communication with a trusted partner (sex is considered normal at least twice a week).
  • If you are not a verified partner, the use of contraceptives is recommended.
  • Do not stop having sex.
  • An active sex life significantly reduces the chance of prostatitis in men.

It is recommended that you see a urologist regularly if the illness is already bothering a person. You should see a specialist every two months to avoid inflammation, which is difficult to treat.

What else does preventing prostatitis in men include?

pain in prostatitis


You can also exercise at home by doing such exercises as "birch", "bridge gym" and "bicycle". These exercises stimulate and stretch the pelvic floor muscles. After exercise, it is recommended to take a hot shower. You can even train your pubic muscle while working out. To determine its position, you must stop the flow for a few seconds while urinating and then release it. When the jet is delayed, the man will feel the pubic muscle and will understand how to train it properly. This type of exercise is recommended to be performed according to the following scheme:

  • For the first two weeks, no more than five approaches per day are allowed.
  • One approach involves ten muscle contractions.
  • The third and fourth week - ten approaches a day (one approach - also ten cuts).
  • After the fourth week, fifteen or more approaches are made (at the man's discretion).

Such an exercise takes place in any convenient place. In this case, the most important thing is not to strain this muscle for the first three weeks.

Special exercises for preventive purposes at home:

  • Stand up, lean on one leg and move the other. It is recommended to make one hundred swings on each leg.
  • After or before bed, take a contrast shower - change the water temperature every twenty seconds.
  • Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and bend at the sides.
  • Lie on your back, straighten and bend your legs. In the extension process, spread your legs sideways.
  • Hold your breath for fifteen seconds.
  • In a sitting position, straighten your legs and reach for your toes with your toes.

A man must choose the most appropriate exercises and do them every day. With the regular execution of the above exercises, the percentage of the disease is significantly reduced.

exercises to prevent prostatitis

Secondary prostate prevention

This type of prostatitis prevention in men is desirable for men who have previously had prostatitis. Such actions are necessary to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. The main methods of secondary prevention:

  • The use of special drugs prescribed by the treating physician.
  • See a urologist every three months.
  • Complete examination every six months, even if the disease is no longer a concern.
  • Every year after forty years to do a prostate ultrasound.
  • In secondary prevention, specialists prescribe rectal suppositories that act through the patient's rectum.

An outbreak of prostatitis can cause:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Unlimited consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Unprotected sex with an untested partner (venereal disease).
  • Wrong diet.
  • Drug addiction.

All the actions mentioned above significantly increase the rate of prostatitis.

Also, experts do not advise eating very salty, spicy and acidic foods. Prostatitis is also prevented in men with medication.

virus that causes prostatitis how to prevent


With prostatitis, drug prophylaxis involves taking medications that prevent blood stasis in the pelvis, reduce swelling, and stop inflammation of the prostate gland.

It should be understood that medications to prevent the disease should be prescribed solely on an individual basis by the treating physician.

If there is a history of bacterial prostatitis, antimicrobials can be used to prevent prostatitis in patients.

You can also use medicines in the form of rectal suppositories to prevent the disease. Suppositories for rectal injection are used both to prevent inflammatory processes and in the exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

Prevention of prostatitis in men with drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Cheap pills

The cost of drugs of different groups varies considerably. The available preparations are sold in the form of tablets. Cheap pills to prevent prostatitis in men can now be purchased at any drugstore.

Adrenal inhibitors

It is necessary to single out such a group of drugs for prostatitis as alpha-blockers. Drugs affect the hormonal processes that occur in the male reproductive system and help eliminate the conditions for swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. As drugs interfere with the chemical reactions in which testosterone is involved, it is necessary to be examined by an andrologist before use.

This is necessary to prevent prostatitis. Medication prevention of prostatitis is not only effective. Folk remedies are also used with great success.

doctor's appointment to prevent prostatitis

Folk recipes

Folk healers for the prevention of prostatitis recommend the use of homemade honey, dried fruits, nuts and other products that have vitamins and minerals in their composition. The function of the prostate gland is significantly affected by zinc, which is found in chicken, white seeds, fish, onions and pork.

People are advised to use many of these products at the same time:

  • Homemade honey with peeled white seeds.
  • Nuts and honey.
  • Dried fruits and honey.

It is recommended to consume about thirty white seeds a day, which have the highest zinc content. No less effective in preventing prostatitis in men with folk remedies is burdock root, which contains many useful acids, fats and vitamins. These substances do not allow the disease to progress. Also, folk healers advise to eat pears and for the winter to cook compotes from them.

Products for the prevention of prostatitis in men

When it comes to dieting foods that are good for the prostate, you need to understand how important they are to a man's body as a whole.

It is recommended to include in your menu dishes with fish and meat with low fat. The method of preparation must be as follows: steamed or boiled.

Such healthy foods are those that are rich in amino acids, protein elements, which in turn have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action.

products for the prevention of prostatitis

To maintain optimal body function, it is essential to ensure that the body receives adequate amounts of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. In inflammatory processes in the prostate, such substances become necessary.

That's why you need to include in your menu fruits, vegetables, some aromatic herbs. They can be consumed even in the early stages of prostatitis without medical advice. After all, it is known that this disease often occurs due to unbalanced diet and overweight.

The following foods are good for the prostate:

  • Chicken eggs that have a beneficial effect on the body due to lecithin, a special substance they contain.
  • Red fish, lean beef, turkey, chicken breast are essential sources of protein for the body.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc and vitamins, which are very useful for the normal functioning of the prostate gland.
  • Tangerines, oranges and other citrus fruits boost immunity, maintain the degree of acidity of male semen.
  • Seafood contains useful mineral components that are essential as a source of substances necessary for normal spermatogenesis.
  • Nuts are involved in metabolism, stimulating it, as well as in the production of prostate secretions.
  • Dairy products are an important element in the diet, as they improve the function of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, reduce stagnation in the pelvic area. Ryazhenka, cottage cheese and kefir should be in the diet of every person who takes care of his own health.

Preventing prostatitis at home is quite simple, but you need to take it seriously.

Which products are prohibited

You should exclude (or minimize) certain foods from your diet that increase inflammation in the prostate gland.

Foods must have a minimum amount of cholesterol, as it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, complete blood circulation to the pelvic organs is reduced.

The diet at the same time must be balanced, contain protein, which is a kind of building material required for the production of testosterone and reduce inflammation of the prostate.

It is necessary to use all means to prevent prostatitis.

For men, the following products are harmful:

  • Salt. Retains excess fluid in the body, increases blood pressure, which adversely affects the prostate.
  • Alcohol. The lobes of the organ degenerate, as a result, the quality indicators of the sperm are violated (the sperm may lose their viability).
  • Smoked products.
  • Beer. Due to the abuse of this drink, prostate hyperplasia can occur.
  • Flour, sweets, spicy sauces and carbonated drinks.

We must remember that foods that contain a lot of sugar and starch activate the fermentation processes in the body and increase the formation of gas.

The products must contain the required number of calories and provide energy to the body. Lifestyle changes allow the prostate to function fully.

We looked at how chronic prostatitis is prevented in men. The acute form of the disease occurs due to a bacterial infection in the urogenital system. Prevention in this case is to prevent unprotected sexual intercourse with strangers, to maintain hygiene and to strengthen the immune system.