What drugs are used to treat prostate inflammation

Treatment of prostatitis in men includes the use of drugs and physiotherapy. Phytotherapy, gland massage, acupuncture can be prescribed as additional methods for patients. It is a comprehensive approach that allows not only to prevent the outbreak of the disease, but also to completely get rid of it. Drug treatment of prostatitis is always carried out in courses and is prescribed only after a complete examination of the prostate gland.

pills for prostatitis

Medications for treating prostatitis will only be effective if prescribed correctly by a doctor.

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Urologists typically prescribe different types of medications to patients with inflammatory prostate disease. This allows you to deal with prostate disorders much faster. To improve its condition are used drugs with antibacterial and immunostimulatory action, muscle relaxants, hormonal agents and alpha-blockers.

The treating physician prescribes an individual treatment regimen for each patient after a thorough study of the analyzes and the ultrasound results.

prostatitis tests for prescribing drugs

It is impossible to choose medicines for prostatitis on your own, as this can cause deterioration not only in the condition of the prostate gland, but also in general well-being.

Medication for chronic prostatitis with antibiotics is not always indicated. If the patient has no symptoms of the disease and at the same time feels normal, this group of drugs may not be prescribed. In this case, chronic prostatitis can be treated with herbal remedies and alpha-blockers.

Antibacterial drugs

When chlamydia and other infections are detected, fluoroquinolones can be used, which have high bioavailability and can penetrate the prostate mucosa in the shortest possible time.

After prostatitis is detected, the patient is prescribed medication, including an antibiotic. The shape is chosen by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

In the absence of the desired effect from the use of fluoroquinolones, the doctor may prescribe a course with other drugs. If during the examination, laboratory tests showed the presence of chlamydia, tetracyclines are recommended to the patient. Their effectiveness is associated with its rapid penetration into the prostate gland of the active ingredients of the drug and with the inherent property of the drug to destroy pathological microorganisms as quickly as possible.

With repeated treatment, before treating a relapsed prostatitis in men with medication, the doctor prescribes a new regimen for taking an antibacterial drug, which usually includes lower doses. If the selected drugs were ineffective, this may mean that they are not suitable for the patient or that they have been prescribed incorrectly.

Preparations with antibacterial activity are indicated only when pathogenic microorganisms have become the causes of prostatitis.

We must remember that bacteria almost always exist in one way or another in the human body. During the normal functioning of the immune system, they are inactive and do not pose a particular threat to health. Weakening of the immune system under the influence of other provoking factors involves the activation of the pathogenic microflora, which penetrates into the prostate tissue and leads to acute disease.

cold as a cause of prostatitis

The acute phase of bacterial prostatitis requires the use of antibacterial agents. If such a treatment is not carried out, inflammatory processes can go to the bladder, urethra and kidneys. There is evidence of a link between bacterial prostatitis and urolithiasis. Lack of antibiotic treatment leads to a chronic form of the disease, which is much more difficult and longer to treat.

Appointment principles

In acute prostatitis, the drugs are prescribed immediately after a general examination and interrogation of the patient. As a rule, the urologist does not wait for the test results and prescribes a regimen that provides for the intake of macrolides, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides in the first days. Less often, patients are prescribed erythromycin antibiotics, as such agents are not capable of leading to mass destruction of bacterial microorganisms.

After the urologist receives the test results, the doctor may change the regimen or include other medications in it. The use of only one drug is justified in mild prostatitis. When choosing drugs, the age of the man and the presence of other diseases must be taken into account. If the patient has liver or kidney disease, the doses can be adjusted according to the degree of organ dysfunction.

The patient should inform the urologist about the medication he is taking or has taken relatively recently.

If for some reason a man took antibiotics, the doctor should take this into account, as such drugs may be ineffective.

injections for prostatitis

If the overall regimen assigned to the patient does not have the desired effect, another that has a stronger effect may be used. To enhance the effect, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections, so a patient with acute prostate inflammation can be hospitalized. Prostatitis is treated at home with antibacterial drugs in the form of capsules. In this case, it is extremely important to follow all the rules for obtaining such funds. If you deviate from the scheme, treatment may be ineffective. The cancellation or extension of the course is done only by a doctor.

Usually, properly selected antibacterial drugs give a positive effect on the third day after starting to take. If symptoms persist, it is necessary to visit a urologist to review the treatment regimen.

Consult a doctor for prostatitis

Hormonal preparations and suppositories

A properly prescribed treatment regimen helps reduce the symptoms that characterize an inflammatory prostate disease. First of all, the discomfort that occurs with prostatitis when urinating begins to disappear. When you use inappropriate medications, the pain, problems with bladder emptying and erectile dysfunction can persist. In some men, there is a tendency for the power to gradually deteriorate. Very often, in the absence of immunomodulatory agents in the treatment regimen, the disease can recur.

In the absence of positive results in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, the patient is prescribed hormonal agents. They help relieve inflammation, restore erection.

Such drugs, although effective, can have many side effects, so they should be used with caution, following the exact dosage recommended by your doctor.

With glandular inflammation, anal suppositories can also be used as adjuvants. Such suppositories are usually well tolerated by patients because they contain natural ingredients. Honey, propolis, a complex with an extract of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs have a good effect.

Anal suppositories help relieve swollen glands, reduce pain and normalize blood microcirculation.

Today, in pharmacies, you can buy suppositories or tablet preparations made from sublimated beef prostate. They improve the structure of prostate tissues, relieve inflammation and help accelerate regenerative processes.

To repair the body and strengthen the immune system, which is often weakened after an inflammatory disease of the prostate, the use of a complex containing vitamins and trace elements is presented. Patients may also be prescribed antioxidants to help prevent the development of hyperplasia and malignancies in the prostate.