Which folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis are better and more effective

back pain with prostatitis

Treating prostatitis with folk remedies is quite acceptable and can be very effective, but in order for it to be just the cure, and not to harm or worsen the disease, you need to know what prostatitis is and how it manifests.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, or rather an inflammatory process caused by the activity of bacteria and other pathogens. The pathology can appear in acute or chronic form, the difference between them is observed only in the intensity of the manifestation of characteristic symptoms.

Good to know.

If the acute course of prostatitis is accompanied by severe painful sensations, difficulty urinating, symptoms of general intoxication, then the chronic form is manifested by more blurred spots and is characterized by a wavy course, with alternating periods of remission and signs of inflammatory process.

It is worth considering how to treat prostatitis with folk remedies if the following symptoms are observed:

  • frequent desire to visit the toilet while a small amount of urine is released.
  • there is a delay in urination and cramps in the urethra.
  • Some neurosomatic symptoms appear - lethargy, apathy, increased fatigue or anxiety and irritability, which can eventually lead to depression.
  • the appearance in the urine, especially in the morning portions, whitish formations, similar to the strings.
  • urination becomes intermittent, while the stops of this process are accompanied by severe burning and pain.
  • pulling discomfort in the scrotum, groin, lower back and lower abdomen.
  • swelling in the perineum.

The presence of such signs directly indicates the presence in the body of a focus of infection and the increasing activity of the pathogenic microflora. If there are any worrying symptoms, you should contact a urologist immediately for an examination.

In case of diagnosis of prostatitis, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor not only the use of drugs, but also alternative methods of treatment, including various folk methods and preparations. Proven natural remedies will be a good addition to the main treatment and will help you speed up your recovery.

When is the treatment of prostatitis especially effective with folk remedies?

special consultation for the treatment of prostatitis

Even the most effective folk remedies for prostatitis can not always help, so before treatment, it is accurate to diagnose the state of health and a detailed consultation with a urologist, as well as a doctor's approval for the chosen methodfight inflammation. required.

As a rule, the treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies is ineffective. The disease in this form usually develops slowly over a long period of time. In some cases, the patient may not even be aware of the presence of prostatitis, attributing the illness to the consequences of overwork from the cold or the public.

In this case, some changes already occur at the cellular level within the organ itself and in the urethra. In such a case, the use of herbal infusions and other natural remedies may slightly alleviate the health condition when prostatitis worsens.

But at the beginning of the disease, when the first signs of prostate inflammation appear, traditional medicine provides a positive result, effectively supplementing and enhancing the therapeutic effect of drugs. Often, with moderate severity of the disease, urologists themselves recommend the use of a specific combination of medication, physiotherapy procedures, and folk remedies based on herbal or natural ingredients during treatment.

It is worth noting such an important feature of the most popular recipes as a preventive action that prevents the development and occurrence of inflammatory processes in the prostate. Products that can simultaneously cure and prevent infection include Chaga mushroom infusions, pumpkin seeds, mummy ointments and common iodine, which are found in every household cupboard. The action of these funds is aimed at inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and preventing their growth and reproduction.


Only the treating physician can satisfactorily judge the extent to which the use of certain prescriptions for the treatment of adenoma or inflammation of the prostate is allowed, based on the data of the examination of the patient's state of health, the results of the analyzes and the characteristics of the coursedisease.

Clear contraindications to the use of folk remedies include chronic forms of prostate disease. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the general state of health and the presence of concomitant diseases, as the active substances of many natural ingredients and herbal preparations can cause allergic reactions. Certain ingredients can adversely affect the condition of the liver, stomach, kidneys, cardiovascular or nervous system.

A serious contraindication is personal intolerance to the ingredients contained in the recipe. For example, men who are prone to allergies are not recommended to use recipes that include propolis, mummy, bee venom and other ingredients that cause hypersensitivity reactions. In this case, treating prostatitis with folk remedies at home can not bring any benefit, but harm and lead to serious complications - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

With a holistic approach to treatment, that is, combining drugs and popular formulations, such as moments such as the incompatibility of natural therapies and the active ingredient of the drug. Therefore, the use of certain traditional medicine prescriptions must necessarily be agreed with and approved by the treating urologist.

The best recipes

exercise for the treatment of prostatitis

There are many different methods and recipes for treating a common male disease, which, according to the statistics of every fifth male representative, has accumulated among people. Comments on the use of prescriptions, both by the patients themselves and by the doctors, help navigate the variety of techniques used for centuries and adapted to current realities.

Even the most effective folk remedies for treating prostatitis will not give a positive result without lifestyle adjustment. Experts advise a man to moderate physical activity and a complete healthy diet, constant care of his immunity and the fight against weakness.

That is, a working day at a desk in the office should be offset by active workouts in the gym, long walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and jogging in the park. An important point in the treatment of prostatitis is a normal sex life, and best of all with a reliable and proven partner.

In terms of recipes, the best can be considered healing methods using collections of herbs, juices, mummies, massage pots, tar, wormwood, celery and parsley root, Chaga mushroom, propolis, onions, cabbage and chestnuts.

Collection of herbs

Today, ready-made collections of medicinal plants for the treatment of prostatitis are sold in pharmacies, with detailed instructions for their use. The most effective are infusions and teas from medicinal herbs, which include licorice root, parsley root, fennel, hops, juniper bark and berries, rose hips, chamomile, nettle and mint.

If desired, any herbal infusion can be prepared independently of the self-harvesting herbal ingredients. It is common to combine all the ingredients in equal proportions and the ratio with water should be as follows - one tablespoon of dry vegetable ingredients per 250 ml of boiling water.

You should drink infusions and tea at least three times a day, 20-40 minutes before meals. For those who are prone to allergic reactions, it is preferable not to use complex multi-ingredient preparations, but a type of medicinal plant.

Nettle decoction

nettle for the treatment of prostatitis

The most effective treatment, which is ideally combined with all medicines and does not cause allergies, is the use of nettle. It should be collected before flowering and prepared in the same proportion with water as any of the charges - 250 ml of boiling water per tablespoon of dry ingredients.

Decoction of parsley and celery

Undoubtedly in its effectiveness in the fight against prostate adenoma is a decoction of the roots of celery and parsley. The roots should be cut, filled with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and boiled on very low heat for 10-15 minutes, then allow to infuse and cool. It should be taken twice a day, one glass on an empty stomach.

Juices and vegetables

Fresh juices are best suited not to treat a pathological process, but to prevent its development. Vegetable and fruit juices have diuretic properties, help eliminate congestion in the prostate and thus eliminate the cause that contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

The best juices

For prevention, it is recommended to drink juices such as carrot, cabbage, beetroot, radish juice with the addition of parsley, pumpkin, plum, plum, apple and melon. It is best to take 50 ml of fresh juice in the morning, before breakfast, after diluting it in half with boiling water.

Radish juice

Among the vegetables that can help effectively treat prostatitis, onions in combination with honey and radishes are in the lead. The recipe is very simple - onion and radish pulp, taken in equal amounts, must be chopped, mixed with honey in an arbitrary proportion and mixed well. This mixture should be left in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this period, the juice will be released, which is poured into a separate bowl and taken in a tablespoon, 20 minutes before meals, twice a day.


This physiotherapy procedure has long been used by therapists. In the popular variant, the massage was done with stirrers of calcium or birch salt when you visit a bath. Medical banks are now used for the procedure.

It is impossible to do such a massage yourself, as it is almost impossible to place boxes on yourself and at the same time be in a relaxed position. In modern conditions, this type of treatment is performed in the office of a physiotherapist and in some massage parlors that have urologists and physiotherapists on their staff.

Tar, chestnuts, mummy and other folk remedies for prostatitis

mummy for the treatment of prostatitis

Birch tar is one of the most powerful agents against all types of infections and any bacterial activity in the body. However, this unique product has many contraindications and is the strongest allergen incompatible with many drugs. The use of a natural product and how to take it should be agreed with a doctor.

In the treatment of prostatitis, tar is used in two versions - in the form of water tar and rectal ointment.

Tar water

To make this recipe, the concentrated tar substance is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 8, boiled and then taken 100 grams a day half an hour before meals for 10-12 days, after which you should take a break aweek and repeat the lesson.

Tar ointment

The rectal ointment is prepared as follows - the tar is heated, mixed with propolis in a ratio of 3: 1 and injected into the rectum in a volume of 3-8 drops. The procedure is performed once a day, before bedtime, for 3 months.


Chestnuts are a well-known medicine used in the Mediterranean to fight male diseases. For prostatitis, the peel of the chestnut fruit is prepared. Proportions - 2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water. Chestnut tea should be infused for at least half an hour. It is drunk as a simple drink all day.

This method is not recommended if you are overweight or prone to it, as chestnut significantly speeds up the metabolic process and therefore causes a strong feeling of hunger. That is, when you use this recipe, there is a high probability of overeating and eating disorders.


Shilajit or mountain resin is sold in every drugstore as a dietary supplement. It is a completely universal physical therapy that can treat almost all types of pathogenic bacteria, but does not combine well with a range of medicinal products. It is best to buy a mummy in tablets and take three pieces a day after dissolving them in water. A quarter of a glass of hot water is enough for one tablet.


Propolis is drunk in drops, medicinal solutions from propolis are also sold in pharmacies. However, this drug is a strong allergen and is contraindicated in people with a tendency to allergic reactions to bee products, kidney disease, carriers of the immunodeficiency virus and suffer from liver failure.

You can not be treated with propolis tincture for violations of adrenal function and certain pathologies of the thyroid. In the absence of contraindications, the tincture is taken 2-4 drops in the morning, on an empty stomach for 3-4 months.

In general, the treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies can be quite successful if you do not engage in self-prescription and self-medication, but agree to treatment with your doctor and get approval for alternative procedures.

Reviews of the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies

Review number 1

"I am 64 years old, but unlike many of my peers who have long lost interest in their personal lives due to prostatitis, I am in excellent condition. Sex life is okay and this is very important for a man, as it keeps the body in good shape and allows you to stay in good physical condition What is the secret of success?

All my life I have had a partner - my beloved wife and traditional medicine prescriptions helped maintain men's health. During my life, I rarely resort to medicines, I prefer to be treated with herbs, beekeeping products and other natural ingredients.

To prevent prostatitis, I take propolis tincture. I was personally convinced of its effectiveness. I cook it myself, I do not buy it at the pharmacy. I take classes three times a year and I feel great. I advise men to look less in the glass and think more about their health, then there will be no problems with power. "

Review number 2

"A year ago, I was diagnosed with prostatitis. I always thought that this disease develops in old age, but I am only 40 years old and I already have such a diagnosis. The acute manifestations of the disease were stopped with medication, in addition, the doctor recommended the use of folk remedies to prevent recurrences. "

At the pharmacy I bought a special collection of herbs that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect and I started taking a decoction. I was treated for a month, now I feel much better, I look for and apply new recipes that help prevent worsening. I try to eat right, drink vegetable and fruit juices, they support the immune system and prevent the development of infections. "

Critical number 3

"I tried to cure prostatitis with folk remedies - I drank an infusion of chaga, herbal decoction, took various tinctures, but the result was insignificant. In the end, I went to the doctor, I was treated with antibiotics and only after that I went to the repair.

He also received a reprimand from a specialist, as it is not realistic to treat prostatitis with herbs. They can only be used as an adjunct to basic therapy, so it is better to rely on medical professionals than grandmother's treatments. "